We are delighted to introduce the new name for our annual music festival: ANCESTRAL ECHOES MUSIC FEST! This change reflects our dedication to world music, and Our culture, crafting experiences that deeply resonate with our community.
So why the name changes, you might ask? Well, the Ancestors have spoken and believe that ANCESTRAL ECHOES MUSIC FEST better captures the essence of our festival and the distinctive atmosphere that sets us apart. It symbolizes the energetic vibe, communal spirit, and adventurous nature of our event. It's a name that will continue to embrace the Ancestors, pay homage to world music, and celebrate in spirit
Our commitment to showcasing diverse talent, fostering collaboration, and promoting inclusivity remains unwavering. Your passion, enthusiasm, and steadfast support motivate us to innovate and create something extraordinary in the upcoming years.
Join us as we embark on this new chapter together, but we assure you that this transition aligns with our core values and the experiences you cherish. It marks an exciting new chapter in our festival's story, one that we are eager to share with all of you.
Save the date, gather your friends, and prepare for an adventure like no other!
Should you have any questions or concerns about this transition,
please reach out to us at info@ancestralechoes.net
Thank you for being part of our village.
We look forward to seeing you at Ancestral Echoes Music Fest!
Warm regards tribe,